Future-Proofing Public Sector through Digital Government
Keeping up with industrial revolutions is a trial for any government. According to the World Economic Forum, we are currently experiencing the fourth industrial revolution, aptly abbreviated to C4IR in case you missed the particular development that took place three years ago.
When we talk about data, the industrial movement is advancing rapidly at a daily rate; globally, governments are striving to provide enhanced services to their citizens with innovative technologies allowing for greater efficiency and effectiveness.
Future-proofing public sector services and processes rely heavily upon governments utilising developing technologies including Blockchain, AI and machine learning, all of which provide essential tools for reform of both public and private organisations where, often, there exists a vital overlap, preventing issues where one may struggle without the other and vice versa. For example, rock-solid industries, previously reluctant or slow on the take-up to embrace new technologies include finance and insurance; these industries are currently suffering from disrupting technologies, offering exciting new products and services.
Government bodies must rise to 21st-century challenges, forge ahead with innovative developments, continually improve to identify and address citizen pain points, assessing and meeting their unmet needs. To achieve these objectives, governments are required to develop and maintain streamlined policies and procedures using digital techniques. Globally, governments require a high level of expertise and understanding in this digital revolution.
Innovation in government is no longer a choice. Investing and implementing legal, ethical, wholly innovative IT systems, including a robust and responsible team with clear goals and strategies, and flexibility to evolve and allow for movement as circumstances dictate. Thus allowing a government department to grow, develop, keep up and remain focussed and structured.
Innovative and sustainable solutions include carefully sourced, multidisciplinary, human resources. Enlisting expert consultants to brainstorm and provide in-depth analysis of current trends, whether it is an in-house team or outsourced, governments reap the rewards by incorporating industry recommendations and solutions. A great team provides thorough facilitation, from rolling out new products, accelerating innovative technologies such as project planning software, user-friendly portals, big data technology tools to expert software scouting services to source cutting edge applications and systems to meet consumer demand.
Governments need not feel overwhelmed in this increasingly competitive tech environment. Finding collaborative partners, taking a holistic approach increases confidence and allows for better understanding of advancement in technology, delivering that sought after familiarity and consequent public sector strength in this challenging data-driven revolution. Consequently, this confidence harnesses the trust and respect from the citizens who, in turn, benefit from digital inclusion, improved services, enhanced cybersecurity and data protection.
What is very promising is how Africa has embraced and portrayed itself as a shining example, shifting its research and resources and focusing upon C4IR. Many of the big cities including, Nairobi, Lagos and Cape Town are taking the proverbial bull by the horns, embracing innovation, opening hundreds of innovative tech hubs and co-working centres to support the thousands of start-ups springing up across this predominantly agricultural continent. Hope exists that, due to the espousal of innovation and technology there will be a knock-on effect of job generation and economic growth across the rest of the continent; however, this remains a prognostication, and all eyes are currently on Africa.